Tag Archives: giving

The conditions of the unconditional

What is unconditional, and what right do we have to it?


not limited by conditions; absolute: an unconditional promise.

From this, I understand it to mean there is no condition required.
I was recently told that I don’t “give unconditionally”.
Well, I immediately retreated into my corner of insecurity, and obligingly apologized for acting in such a manner.
I woke up the next morning thinking, “Wait, is giving unconditionally even possible?”
Being the obsessive compulsive thinker that I am, I posed the question to the great thinkers sitting on my shelf:

As human beings, are we capable of unconditional acts? Does our rational self even allow for such expressions?

From what I’ve been able to gather this far, the only unconditional relationship is between parent and child.

It’s impossible for our rational mind to act without expectation. Even the laws of physics state, “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

So, my question to you: Is it possible for some to take unconditionally?
In other words, are there those so hung up on the idea of unconditional giving that they aren’t able to fully appreciate the conditional expression of love they do receive?
If this is the case, are the givers doomed to be givers forever?

Perhaps, the closest we come to unconditional expression is when we give our time and only want the equal thing in return.